Why Organic Chelated Minerals Are Better
Essential trace elements that are supplemented exist as ions, complexes or chelates during the digestion process. Inorganic minerals ionize/disassociate very quickly in a fluid environment. These free ions look to react with the first compound with which they come in contact. If the compound they react with is digestible to the animal, then the nutrient can go on to be absorbed and utilized by the animal. However, many of the compounds that the nutrient will react to are not digestible to the animal. In fact, many times inorganic trace minerals are so inefficient they cannot overcome digestive obstacles and they don’t get utilized at all.
Organic chelated minerals are prepared in such a manner as to pre-bond the element to something that is known to improve the availability of the mineral. This bond helps prevent the nutrient from reacting to something that will tie it up and cause it not to be absorbed. The bonding process is called chelation and the goal is to make the animal more efficient in utilizing the nutrients.
The difficulty in complexing or chelating nutrients is establishing a bond that can survive the harsh environment of the digestive tract. A simple complex is bonded by a single point of attachment. A chelate, on the other hand, has two or more attachment points per organic partner. It takes more energy to free the chelated mineral (break the bond) than it does the complexed mineral. The end result is a higher probability of the nutrient being absorbed and utilized properly.
MEGA-X contains X-Factor, a proprietary blend of performance nutrients. This blend includes a balanced ratio of organic chelated minerals. Due to the unique manufacturing process, X-Factor minerals remain chelated even in solution. They have over 100 times the bonding strength and over 10 times more chelated mineral in solution than other leading organic products. This enables more of the mineral to reach the site of absorption for greater utilization.
In addition to the results seen in performance horses, University studies have shown faster hoof growth and greater hip height in yearling horses.